How-To: Upload Items

If you want to contribute an item to the AAF Collection, first create images by either scanning or photographing each page of the item. (See How-To: Scan Items or How-To: Photograph Items.) You can then upload your image files to this website, as explained here.

You can use a shared DropBox or Google Drive folder to upload your image files.  The curator will then download them from the same shared folder.  If you want to do this, please contact the curator first to arrange a shared folder.

You can also use a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program.  If you do not have an FTP program, you can find good free programs on the Internet. See for example FileZilla or Core FTP. The following steps assume you are using FileZilla, but they also apply to most FTP programs.

  1. Contact the AAF Collection curator to make arrangements to upload your image files. The curator will supply you with a user name and password to use below.
  2. If you don’t already have an FTP program, download and install FileZilla Client. Follow their instructions for doing so.
  3. Run FileZilla. Click the Site Manager button on the toolbar:

Step 1

  1. In the Site Manager dialog, click the New Site button (lower left):

Site Manager

  1. In the Host field, enter:
  2. In the User and Password fields, enter the user name and password you obtained from the curator in Step 1 above.
  3. Leave all the other fields with their default values.
  4. Click the Connect button (bottom center) and wait for the connection to become active.
  5. You can now transfer the files you wish to contribute to the AAF Collection. On the left side is the local site, or the files on your computer.  On the right side is the remote site, or the files on the AAF Collection server.
  6. Navigate to the folder on the local site (your computer) that contains your images.  This assumes you want to transfer all the files in a particular folder and that folder does not contain extra or unrelated files.
  7. Click once on the folder name.  This selects (highlights) the folder you want to upload.
  8. Move the mouse so that it hovers over the highlighted folder name.
  9. Right-click to see a pop-up menu, then left-click on Upload.  The files should begin to be copied up to the server.  Depending upon the number and size of the files you are transferring, they may take several minutes to upload.


  1. To transfer individual files rather a whole folder, navigate to the folder that contains your files.  Click once on the first file, then scroll down to the last file.  Hold down the shift key and click on the last file.  Now move your mouse over one of the highlighted files and right-click.  Then choose Upload.

How-To: Contribute Items
How-To: Scan Items
How-To: Photograph Items

Note:  If you have specific items you would like to donate, please contact me directly at  Although this blog entry was posted years ago, the information is still up to date.

3 thoughts on “How-To: Upload Items”

  1. I have quite a few WWI era cadet training yearbooks which I am beginning to scan, and would like to submit as I complete each (which will take some time).
    The first is CAVU 42-C, to be followed by 7 more issues (as I scan them) that I do not see and Ben Guttery tells me that he has not submitted.
    Please give me access to upload them.
    Thanks – Steve

  2. I have an original WWII photo that I would love to share but your how to protocol is way too much for a dummy like me 😉 I have it on FB and entered the URL above so hopefully that will show it but its a great photo and I’ve been desperately trying to find their families. Taken at the Palladium in Hollywood just before 4/28/1942…USAAC / USAAF thereafter..


    1. Diana, It’s a great snapshot. However, since the cadets are not identified and it’s not associated with a particular air field, it’s not really relevant to the AAF Collection. If you ever do identify those in the picture, let me know.

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