Eagle Pass in the News

Movietone NewsIn the class book for Eagle Pass Army Air Field Class 43-F and 43-G, there is a narrative history of the base.  One paragraph describes the day the base was dedicated, which coincided with graduation day for Class 43-B:

Next in the recorded annals was the formal dedication of the field on February 16, 1943. Another class of cadets was graduated that day–Class 43-B–and its members sprouted their wings to stage a sparkling aerial revue in which they machine-gunned an oil-soaked cardboard replica of an Axis train carrying pictorial effigies of Hitler, Hirohito and Mussolini. Satisfactory clouds of black smoke pillared into the air, and everybody loved the exhibition–including the newsreel cameramen who were there.

The dedication ceremony mentioned was indeed captured by Fox Movietone News. You can view the actual clip at University of South Carolina Moving Image Research Collections. The Eagle Pass segment starts at about 6 minutes 25 seconds into the movie. You can also view the actual script and cameraman’s “Dope Sheet” about this episode there.

From a brief mention of newsreel cameramen, to a quick search of the Internet, a bit of history comes alive.  You can read the rest of the base history. (Note: Click on “Site Details” there.)

How-To: Field Finder

Radio Compass
Radio Compass

A new feature recently added is the Field Finder. This will help you determine where Army Air Fields were located. Find fields near a particular city, or in a particular state, country, or region. If you know an air field by name, select that to see where it was located. Also discover the fields where a particular type of training was conducted, like primary flight schools.

Continue reading “How-To: Field Finder”

Milestone 500

500th ItemThe AAF Collection today reached another milestone with the addition of the 500th item!

This could not be possible without the generous support of contributors like you.  Thank you contributors! A special thanks to those who contributed over ten items.  They include Ben Guttery, Larry Caldwell, Marty Upchurch, Stephen Quint, and Bronson Gardner.

Please consider contributing digital copies of items from your own collection, or that of a loved one.  Many people have enjoyed reading these historical documents and finding pictures of family members among these pages.  For more information about contributing, please see How-To: Contribute Items.

Story on Marfa, Texas

CBS News 60 MinutesI enjoyed watching the recent 60 Minutes story on Marfa, Texas. 1  Apparently this isolated, rural town is attracting lots of different people today.  In the story, they briefly mentioned the remnants of an old army base there.

Marfa Army Air FieldActually it was the Marfa Army Air Field, a twin-engine advanced pilot training school.  Hundreds of Army Air Force pilots earned their silver wings at Marfa.  So, the town must have been a hub of activity about 1943 before slipping back into obscurity, then rediscovery.

The AAF Collection has a few pilot class books from Marfa.

How-To: Find An Individual

Class BookI’m often asked if the AAF Collection has information on a specific person.  The collection does have hundreds of training class books.  These are like high school year books, except they were produced for a training class at a particular Army Air Field or other training facility.  Classes lasted anywhere from four to ten, or even twenty, weeks.  Separate classes sometimes overlapped their training at the same base.

Thus at a particular facility, there may have been dozens of class books produced during a given year.  Once a class graduated, cadets were generally stationed at another Army Air Field to begin their next class.  For example pilots underwent pre-flight, then Primary Flight, then Basic Flight, and then Advanced Flight classes, all at separate Air Fields.

Unfortunately I do not have additional information or records about individual cadets or instructors beyond what you see in the class books.  At one time I wanted to index the names and hometowns of those pictured in the class books.  That would now be a monumental undertaking, but I may do so in the coming years.

How Do I Find a Particular Person?

Continue reading “How-To: Find An Individual”

Four Hundred Items

ItemsThanks to the generosity of over 50 contributors, the AAF Collection has grown to 400 items!  Started back in November 2006, the AAF Collection offers historical documents about the United States Army Air Forces during World War II.

You will now find hundreds of class books with pictures of thousands of cadets as they trained to be pilots, bombardiers, navigators, gunners and radio operators.  See the actual training manuals they used.  Discover what life was like as an air cadet on dozens of Army Air Fields across the United States.

400 Items

As the AAF Collection continues to grow, I hope you’ll consider contributing items from your own collection, or that of your parents’, or grandparents’ legacy.  Many people enjoy learning about this era in our history.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Thanks to all those who have taken the time and effort to contribute to the collection.  Ben Guttery, aviation collector extraordinaire, contributed over half the items you see in the collection.  Larry Caldwell contributed many items and he supported this site from its beginning.  Stephen Quint and Bronson Gardner have each contributed over ten items.

Thanks to the visitors to this site.  I always enjoy hearing that you found a parent, grandparent or relative pictured in an item from the collection.  Or, that you found a rare document you were unable to find anywhere else.

A special thanks to all World War II veterans, and the veterans who left a comment here about their experiences during the war.

We’re well on the way toward 500 items.  You can keep tabs on the collection via the statistics page, or see What’s New right now.